The secret to successfully find assistant brand manager jobs

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To successfully find jobs as senior management positions in an enterprise is not easy and the position of assistant brand manager is one of them. In addition to being fully equipped with capacity and experience, you need to have experience to apply quickly. Continue to accompany Navigos Search in this article, you will surely find a successful job as an assistant brand manager!

1. Overview of Assistant Brand Manager - ABM position 

Assistant Brand Manager is a senior leadership title in the enterprise, ranked after the Brand Director. This position plays an important role in brand development, bringing the business to the top position in the field of product and service business.

Assistant Brand Manager is a senior leadership title in the enterprises

Descriptions of assistant brand manager jobs, as follows:

  • Planning, building long-term and short-term marketing plans for brands in the business
  • Implementing, monitoring and supervising the implementation of the strategy of the brand in charge
  • Monitoring and evaluating communication effectiveness
  • Carrying out market research and conducting analysis, making assessment reports on brands, user needs, competitors...
  • Checking, evaluating the effectiveness and propose new development ideas for the brand
  • Managing and using marketing budget effectively
  • Coordinating with other specialized departments to help the brand's strategy achieve high efficiency
  • Recruiting, managing and training employees
  • Performing other tasks as assigned by senior managers

2. Experience in looking for  Assistant Brand Manager jobs 

To successfully find senior manager positions or assistant brand manager jobs, you must have some experience. Follow the suggestions below to increase your chances of getting hired.

Enhance professional expertise

Most companies recruiting assistant brand managers require candidates to have a university degree or higher in Economics, Marketing, Communication, PR, Business Administration,... This is a basic requirement for assistant brand manager jobs, so please try your best to meet it. 

Never stop gaining experience

Any senior leadership position requires the candidate to have experience. When applying for assistant brand manager jobs, you need to have at least 5 years of work experience. Let's start with lower-ranking jobs such as employees, department heads at agencies and businesses. Then, continue to learn, make constant efforts, acquire knowledge and apply it in practice to promote to a higher position.


Accumulate more experience to improve your chances of being hired

Understand your brand's target customers

A brand that wants to meet the needs of customers always needs the process of synthesizing information, researching and drawing conclusions from the leader. Brand helps to position products and services of enterprises in the market and meet quality standards and satisfy target customers. The higher the satisfaction level, the greater the brand value and vice versa. Therefore, "reading" customers is an important skill to have in assistant brand manager jobs. 

Mastering marketing knowledge

The 6P model: Price – Promotion (communication) – Product – Place (point of sale) – Packaging – Proposition (brand positioning) is considered a guideline in brand positioning and corporate branding. More than anyone else, leaders have extensive knowledge of marketing to apply the 6P model and plan a reasonable brand management strategy. From which, your products and services will reach more target customers.

Skillful communication

The peculiarity of assistant brand manager jobs is that it requires regular contact with customers, so it requires employees to communicate well and handle situations effectively. You need to communicate skillfully to push customer decisions, help improve brand awareness of your business to more people. At the same time, good communication also helps you gain confidence, professional style and improve persuasion, negotiation and presentation skills.

Have an analytical mind and understand customers’ needs

Assistant manager jobs  do not only require in-depth knowledge of the industry but also the information screening skills to analyze the current situation of the business to understand customers' needs. From which, you can come up with an effective communication strategy and promote marketing activities to improve the brand's recognition of the company.

Analyzing and understanding customers' needs is very important

Build and develop relationships

In the current context, managers are always competing fiercely to attract customers to their businesses. A good assistant brand manager needs to know how to find potential customers and expand relationships to connect deeper in the industry. Every year, businesses will have an additional new product or service, and it is essential to expand and maintain relationships with customers year after year to take advantage of the opportunity to sell products.

Leaders are responsible for building, retaining and expanding relationships with customers and partners in order to improve the opportunity to compete with competitors as well as increase revenue for the unit.

Teamwork skills

The work of managing and raising brand awareness cannot be successful if the assistant brand manager works alone. You will have to coordinate with other departments such as marketing, PR, sales or account manager to come up with the best development strategy for your brand.

The combination will help individuals and departments to complement each other's shortcomings to be more complete. However, in the process of teamwork, it will be difficult to avoid conflicting opinions, and it is teamwork spirit that will create a smooth and effective work chain.

3. Career advancement 

The average salary of this position currently ranges from 20 to 30 million/month. Salary will vary, depending on working capacity, experience and job performance brought.

When you take assistant brand manager jobs for more than 5 years and continue to improve your knowledge, qualifications and accumulate more experience, you are fully capable of advancing to a higher position as Brand Manager. Try and work hard to achieve the top position in this career.

4. Finding assistant brand manager jobs quickly at Navigos Search

Established in 2002, Navigos Search - Vietnam's leading mid-level and senior-level personnel recruitment service provider, is the first choice for candidates wishing to find assistant brand manager jobs and other senior positions. Here, a team of professional recruitment consultants, deeply knowledgeable about the value of human resources, are always ready to support candidates, provide job advice and discuss with candidates about the most suitable employer.

Based on the specific capacity and experience of each candidate and the development situation of the current labor market, Navigos Search will bring job positions in the most professional and dynamic corporate environment. After the candidate is selected, the recruitment specialist of Navigos Search will continue to accompany and support the candidate during the probationary period and after the probationary period.

With a wealth of experience and solid expertise, Navigos Search is proud to have successfully assisted hundreds of thousands of candidates to successfully enter quality careers at leading companies and enterprises. The unit is proud to be the most solid fulcrum for job seekers today.


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If you are looking for assistant brand manager jobs or want to be informed about positions that match your skills, experience and ambition, quickly send your CV to Navigos Search to be contacted immediately if there are any suitable vacancies. We always strive to help candidates achieve their dreams through the number 1 professional recruitment service in Vietnam!

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