TALKSHOW TECHAT 2023 - ChatGPT: Opportunities and Challenges?

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TECHAT WORKSHOP officially returns with the first episode of 2023 - "ChatGPT: Opportunities and Challenges?", livestreamed at Navigos Search's fanpage on February 16, 2023. are you ready? 

👉Register now:

ChatGPT the new generation chatbot has been causing a huge "fever" in the world and Vietnam from the end of 2022 - the beginning of 2023, attracting a lot of attention about: 

- What is the technology behind this chatbot?
- Is ChatGPT a positive improvement?
- How to avoid the negative effects of ChatGPT?
- What is the trend of applying ChatGPT in the world and in Vietnam in the future?
💡All questions will be answered in: Livestream TECHAT 2023 "ChatGPT: Opportunities and Challenges? - Episode 01 organized by Navigos Search.
Register to participate and save the program information here:
◼️Registration link:
◼️Time: 19:30 - 20:45 on February 16, 2023
◼️ Guest:
Speaker Dr. Vu Quang Hieu - Head of Data Platform, ZaloPay
Speaker Mr. Michael Le - Solution Architect, Google Cloud
Host Ms. Minh Nguyet - Recruitment Consultant, Navigos Search
◼️Livestream directly on Navigos Search fanpage
This is a series of Workshops organized periodically by Navigos Search with the theme revolving around fields in the Information Technology industry and career development opportunities, with the participation and sharing from leading experts in the Information Technology industry. and Human Resources.

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