Emotion management technique: the secret of a successful manager

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No matter who you are, what professions you do, knowing how to manage your emotions is a crucial factor in building a better life and career. So what is the emotion management technique? How do you know you haven't perfected this skill? Refer to the following article from Navigos Search for a complete picture of it and get this  essential skill-building secret from successful managers!

1. What is the emotion management technique?

The emotion management technique is a person's ability to become aware of how they are feeling in a given situation and understand how emotions relate to themselves and others. At the same time, a person should know how to regulate and express emotions appropriately.

Being in control of your emotions could help reduce stress, conduct better communication and negotiation, provide harmonious and constructive conflict resolution, and make better decisions as well as be better at  problem solving.


Emotion management is about managing and expressing emotions appropriately

Emotion management is about managing and expressing emotions appropriately

2. Signs associated with being unable to control emotions

When the person is unable to control their emotions, they will react intermittently or inappropriately to the situation or context in which  they are encountered. It is possible, in many cases, that the loss of emotional control is temporary, because the person is experiencing exhaustion from lack of sleep or another cause.

However, there are also some people who cannot control their emotions because of their life habits and personalities. The most important thing is to know when you can't control your emotions, because this will affect your daily life. Here are some signs showing that you don't know how to manage your emotions:

  • Being overwhelmed by emotions
  • Feeling shy about expressing your own feelings
  • Feeling angry but don't know why
  • Losing control of your behaviors
  • Experiencing hardship to understand why you feel this way,...

There are quite a few reasons why a person cannot control his emotions. If you find yourself experiencing these signs, consider why you should manage your emotions and master the tips shared below to strengthen your emotional management technique. 

3. Why should we regulate and manage emotions?

Good emotional management will help reduce stress in the process of communication, listening and disputes will be handled more harmoniously and constructively. At the same time, you will be able to make decisions and handle mistakes and difficulties more effectively.


The emotional management technique is essential to acquire

The emotional management technique is essential to acquire

Understanding and controlling your emotions will help you express your thoughts better to others. And when you recognize your current emotions, you can manage your emotions rationally, think carefully about your behavior and words, and be able to avoid making mistakes you might regret.

In addition, good personal emotional management also helps you behave more properly, maintain good relationships with others. Therefore, it is vital to regulate and manage emotions as well as master the emotion management technique.

4. The most effective emotion management techniques

The emotional management technique doesn't come naturally. To master and keep your emotions positive, you must try to practice and adjust yourself every day. Here are some tips to help you practice effective emotional management techniques.

Use the power of thoughts to manage emotions

Using the power of your mind to master your emotions means you must have emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to be self-aware of one's own feelings, clearly recognizing what is good to promote and where is the weakness that needs improvement.

People with emotional intelligence will always understand, accept and care about the feelings of others. In addition, they are able to build and maintain good relationships with those around them. Thanks to that, they have a more open, sincere and tolerant life.

Mastering the emotion management techniques with the power of your mind helps you make wiser decisions, push yourself to grow, make amends, and build better relationships.

Intellectual strength also helps you control your emotions, not let yourself feel out of control. At the same time, helping you improve your self-discipline, always thinking positively and creatively to find the right solution to any problem that arises.

Don't let negative feelings control you

Managing emotions also means choosing positive emotions and eliminating negative ones. A successful emotional controller will never let negative emotions manage their actions and words.

To avoid being controlled by negative feelings, you should pay attention to the following points: Be self-aware of everything, don't blame or shirk responsibility, don't make excuses for mistakes, be determined to make amends, don't overthink losing or winning in relationships, remove negative words from your daily dictionary. And more importantly, use more positive and bright language even when communicating with others or yourself.


 Avoid being controlled by negative feelings

 Avoid being controlled by negative feelings 

Practice facing difficulties

Life is full of difficulties and setbacks. At times like these, many people will feel disappointed, miserable and become discouraged or lose confidence,...

However, if you maintain a positive attitude of confidence and bravery to face difficulties and challenges, you will have a better chance of achieving success. When facing difficulties, you should not feel discouraged, instead, think of a way to solve the problem you are facing.

The difficulty itself is an opportunity for you to grow, once you overcome it, it proves that you have entered a better stage. Besides, when facing challenges, many people try to keep the mentality of running away, but the reality is that no one can escape difficulties. Choosing to face difficulties is really an act of being responsible for your own life.

Know how to release feelings

Some negative emotions like sadness, depression, disappointment, stress, pessimism, etc. are part of life. And if you don't know how to release them, these emotions will affect your life.

If you are a person who is too sensitive and emotional, then find a way to control it when you know that it is about to happen. Drink something really cold, shift your focus from the negativity to something else that is going on at the moment, taking a deep breath will definitely help you feel better.

In an uncontrollable situation, you should not worry, talk and communicate to others about your problem. This will help you calm down and get helpful advice on how to deal with those problems. In addition, you can also keep a daily diary to talk about negative feelings, relieve yourself without hurting anyone.


To effectively regulate and control your feelings, you must be well aware of yourself, from your strengths to your weaknesses. Make a list and send it to a few close friends for their evaluation and then develop a plan to fix them. Once you know yourself, in difficult situations, think of your responsibility and focus on solving it instead of complaining and blaming others. Put it this way: "In this situation, I also am responsible for it, this is the right way to do it, I need help...".

Believe in yourself

Lack of confidence and trust in yourself is one of the reasons that trigger negative emotions. You will feel weak, not as capable as others in solving problems. As a result, you notice negative things and get angry for no reason. If you are confident enough, you will have the ability to cope with all difficulties and will control your emotions better. This also helps you become more optimistic and full of energy.

Here are some tips to help you build confidence and trust in yourself:

  • Be confident in your own appearance and body language
  • Look into the eyes of others when communicating to gain more trust and affection
  • Challenge with new things in all areas and situations
  • Think about becoming successful more often


Confidence is an important factor to build the effective emotion management technique

Confidence is an important factor to build the effective emotion management technique

Adjust body expression and physicality

There are some situations that will push you into a negative state. At this point, try to get it under control quickly with some simple body expressions and movements like:

  • Relax your body: This helps you to soothe, relax your mind and manage your emotions effectively
  • Deep breathing: Take deep breaths to stay calm and help relieve stress and anxiety
  • Always smile
  • Change your position and sit comfortably

Dr. Le Tham Duong has deeply affirmed: "Emotions are the enemy of success". 

Successful people are those who have very good emotional regulation and management skills and they are always highly conscious of learning how to manage emotions. Therefore, right now, take action and learn how to practice the emotional management technique to achieve great success in the future.

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