Why should small companies outsource headhunter services?

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For small businesses and startups, it is not easy to have an HR department dedicated to finding and recruiting new employees. Therefore, many business owners have chosen to outsource personnel. So what is HR outsourcing? Why should small businesses outsource headhunter services? Explore this information with Navigos Search in the article below!

1. What is outsourcing headhunter services?

Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO) means that the business will hire an intermediary to perform some job functions. It can be calculating salary payment, company regime, taxes of the business, contract procedures or recruiting personnel,... The intermediary will receive the job and send it back to the business when completed.

Outsourcing headhunter services is a service chosen by many businesses today

Outsourcing headhunter services is a service chosen by many businesses today

In fact, human resource outsourcing services in Vietnam have not really developed strongly because there are not many service providers. In addition, the cost of hiring staff is quite high.

On the market today, there are forms of HR outsourcing - HRO such as:

  • Employment service: Enterprises will stand out to recruit personnel according to needs, then outsourcing personnel to complete contract procedures, and related issues.
  • Staffing service: When businesses have employees on maternity leave, need manpower for short-term projects,... then the labor hire service is a great suggestion.
  • Service leasing/ service providing: A service that ensures the quality of training, productivity and working results of employees.

2. Why should small companies outsource headhunter services?

Most small businesses or startups often don't have the budget to separate an HR department or they don't need a large amount of staff. Besides, human resource problems are sometimes very difficult, and need experts who can offer the best solution. Therefore, the best solution for small businesses is to outsource personnel.

According to Deloitte's 2017 Global Outsourcing survey results, up to 78% of businesses have positive feedback about cooperating with human resource outsourcing service providers; 59% of businesses choose this service to cut costs and 57% of businesses say this service helps them focus on developing core activities of the business.

Outsourcing personnel helps to cut costs effectively

Outsourcing personnel helps to cut costs effectively 

Businesses can focus all their time and energy on their core business

The cost to set up an internal HR team is quite large. When using human resources outsourcing services, small businesses can save significant costs. This money, if invested in specialized departments such as Sales or Marketing to promote business, will bring greater benefits to the business.

Many of you will think that outsourcing business personnel will take a large expense. This you can rest assured, HR outsourcing service providers understand very well what small businesses need, from which they will offer the most competitive prices. Therefore, businesses that are in need of personnel support should refer to human resource outsourcing services.

Businesses have access to the latest technology that HR support services

When outsourcing HR and payroll management services, businesses will be updated with the latest technologies that HR support services are using. This will make it easier for businesses to check and track human resource management tasks. Besides, new HR technology will also help businesses operate more efficiently, and access all records easier.
Cost savings for businesses

For small and start-up companies, the cost is the most important factor to be considered. Investing money to maintain a human resources department and internal processing without bringing about efficiency is very wasteful.

Not only salary, the company also has to pay other expenses such as vacations, paid time off, gift benefits during the holidays, etc., when combined, this cost will increase fast. Meanwhile, if hiring external personnel, the money incurred is not available, the company will save a large amount but the work efficiency is very high.

Ensure information security

When businesses use outsourced human resources and payroll services, they can rest assured about information security. All information will be kept confidential by the service provider.

Human Resource Outsourcing - HRO helps ensure information

Human Resource Outsourcing - HRO helps ensure information

Better risk management

Attempts to manage human resources and the payroll department can run the risk of violating HR and salary regulations. Outsourcing human resources and payroll services will help ensure risk management and allow businesses to be more comfortable. Because the human resources specialists will understand the regulations and take legal responsibilities.

3. How to apply HRO effectively and "trendy"

It is clear that using human resources outsourcing services to perform non-core jobs brings many benefits to small businesses. At this time, businesses will be able to focus more on strategic areas such as creating training programs, capacity management, employee management and distance training. However, applying HRO effectively and "trendy", not all businesses know how.

  • Enterprises should refer to international human resource outsourcing services, skillfully implementing them to ensure the quality of work and the interests of employees. When human resource management is done effectively, jobs are more competitive and diverse, foreign investment will come more.
  • Regularly following the schedule and checking in with intermediaries is how small businesses keep their jobs and employee rights in line with the law.
  • Enterprises need to learn carefully how the form of outsourcing personnel works before applying, to ensure it is suitable for the needs and operation of the business and to ensure the development of the company.

According to a survey by Navigos Search, businesses all agree that outsourcing personnel brings more benefits than challenges. It is important for small businesses to assess their company's needs and choose the right outsourcing service. To focus more on core business areas, bringing competitive value to the company.



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