Time management techniques: 11 tips that can't be lost

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Let’s try applying the following 11 ways to manage your time, you will see noticeable changes in work, reduce stress, increase productivity, get promotions and successful salary increases!

Effective time management techniques and work organization are very important factors to help you succeed and advance in your career. So how important is time and how to manage it effectively? Navigos Search will reveal to you soon!

1. What is time management?

Time management techniques are the process of planning and determining the most effective and optimal time to complete that plan. A good time management plan is a detailed plan for each small period with clear deadlines, reasonable work assignments.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this skill, people will judge based on the results achieved in a limited time, not based on the early or late completion time.

The same amount of work and with the same required time, but there are people who are comfortable completing the work with the best results while still having time to rest. While there are people struggling when they don't know what they need to do first, then they are engulfed in pressure and stress. Therefore, effective time management and work organization skills are an indispensable factor if you want to advance in your career.

Time management is a very important skill

2. The importance of time management

Many people still wonder why time management? Effective time management will help you achieve many achievements in both work and life. Why do some people work many times more than you and others work only half as much as you? The key is time management skills.

Increase work productivity

An effective time manager knows how to prioritize a task and set a goal to complete it within a given time. Thanks to this list, you can focus on the top goal to complete first, so the pressure will be reduced and the work performance will be higher than others.

Similarly in daily life, people who have a clear plan of activities will accomplish many things and have more free time to enjoy life. On the contrary, people who live without a plan will always be procrastinated and always feel that a 24-hour day is not enough for plans. As a result, they waste time and effort getting something done.

Practice decision making and relieve pressure

Without good organization and time management skills, you won't know what to do first and where your work will go. This makes you always in a state of stress and pressure because you don't know how far you are from the finish line.

In addition, people who do not plan ahead for their work often waste time on unnecessary things. This will lead to wrong decisions due to lack of time to consider, acknowledge and evaluate the situation.

Limit bad habits, create motivation to act

With a detailed and clear plan, the problem of pressure from the deadline will no longer be too heavy, but on the contrary, you will be proactive in each of your tasks.

For example, if you set a goal of 6.5 IELTS but keep struggling to find a course, buy books and then forget about it because of lack of motivation or give up after only a few months of ineffective study, it will definitely never happen. achieve the stated goal. But on the contrary, if you concretize the 6.5 IELTS goal into a small goal for each skill, focus on practicing one thing every month and have a proficiency test, then completing the goal is sooner or later.

Therefore, effective time management and work organization skills play a great role in limiting bad habits, procrastination and motivating action.

Smart time management helps you achieve great achievements

3. The most effective way to manage time

Here are 11 of the most effective time management tips:

Determine the target

Setting goals is considered one of the most effective ways of time management today. Once you have a clear goal in mind, you will know what you need to do to achieve it. When the big plan is concretized into small goals, the to-do list becomes more detailed and clear, and the completion time is also easily determined.

As a result, you are always proactive in each action and control many situations that arise. From there, work efficiency and productivity will be significantly improved.

List of to-dos

To improve your time management skills effectively, you must list the tasks that need to be done in a certain period of time, be it a day, a week, or a month or quarter. For people who are easily caught up in work, it is necessary to list the tasks of the day to manage their limited time well without missing a single task.

Prioritize your work, focus on what's really important

You need to make a well-organized and to-do list to improve effective time management skills. Tasks need to be prioritized and resources focused to get the most important work done.

When the important work is solved, the pressure is also relieved. And if there is not enough time for the next tasks, it does not affect the progress and results of the overall work.

Focus on what's important first

No delay

Procrastination is considered the biggest enemy of productivity because it makes you waste time on useless work and reduces motivation to get things done. Not only in work but in life, you also need to avoid procrastination.

We only have 24 hours in a day and every moment that passes can never be regained. So, spend your limited time on something really meaningful and start working right after you have planned it so you don't have to regret it.

Set your own deadlines

Setting deadlines for each task will help you manage time effectively without affecting the next work. Deadline is also a measure to motivate action, avoid work delay for everyone. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the deadline so that your work performance is improved and your plan is fully completed.

Stop working "multitasking"

To get your workload done quickly, you typically write emails and chat on the phone with customers. You might think you've made good use of your time, but the truth is that when you're multitasking, it takes you 20-40% more time to complete than it takes to do them one-by-one.

As a result, you didn't do both well, emails were full of mistakes, and customers were upset by your lack of focus. So, the best way is to focus on solving each task to have a better quality of work.

Multitasking will reduce the concentration of work efficiency

Scientific workplace arrangement

Organize your workplace so you don't have to waste time searching for important files and documents when you need them. A cluttered workplace with piles of new - old, important - unimportant documents will make you feel confused and waste time when you need to find something. Therefore, please arrange the workplace neatly and scientifically. That way, you will have more time to not waste time on useless work.

Learn to say "no"

When you agree to take on a task, it means that it is worth your attention and dedication to complete. However, you must make a clear distinction between what really matters and what can be done. For things that aren't worth it, learn to say no and say no. Because if you do not know how to refuse, you will overload your own work and will not be able to complete it well.

Take a break

You always think that it will be great if you have the ability to work continuously for 8-10 hours non-stop, especially when "running" deadlines. However, no one can focus on working with high productivity without giving the brain some time to rest and recharge.

So you shouldn't skip the break and think it's a waste of time. Breaks give you precious time to rest and as a result, you can think creatively and work more efficiently. You can take a break by taking a quick walk around, making a cup of coffee, or simply sitting at your desk doing nothing. Try to arrange a break for about 5 minutes after every 1-2 hours of work and do not forget to give yourself ample time to have lunch and rest.

Summary of daily work

Summarizing daily work is one of the important creation factors in time management techniques. Although it does not take much time and effort, because of ignoring this, many people have not calculated the efficiency in their work plan.

Through reviewing and re-evaluating the work you have done, you will realize that what you do is scientific. If you realize that the point is not reasonable, you will quickly fix it to shorten the time for the next time.

Summarizing the results of work every day is very necessary

When you are a person with clear goals and know how to organize your work scientifically, you will feel that your time budget is expanded. So, right now, seriously examine yourself to see how you've managed your time, effectively, wasted time for whatever reason,... From there, You will know what you need to do to not lose your precious time and have the most effective time management techniques.

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