Finding internal accountant jobs, what are the opportunities?

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Accounting plays a very important role in businesses and organizations. Since then, the recruitment demand for this position has increased, creating many internal accountant job opportunities. To understand more about this job position as well as improve your chances of being hired, refer to the following article of Navigos Search.

1. The concept of internal accountant jobs

Internal accountant is a job position responsible for analyzing, generating statistics and reporting actual arising data, including arising with or without invoices and documents to determine the financial principal, actual loss and profit situation of the enterprise. Thereby, business owners can come up with more effective business strategies.

Internal accountant is a position that performs analysis, statistics and reporting of data

Internal accountant is a position that performs analysis, statistics and reporting of data

2. Opportunities and challenges for internal accountant jobs

In recent years, the accounting major has always been chosen by a large number of students, because the economy is growing strongly and creating high job opportunities.

The accounting department in general and the internal accounting department in particular is a very important factor for businesses. Therefore, most businesses have set up an attractive welfare policy and promotion route for these positions. Depending on professional capacity, internal accountants can become general accountants in 2-3 years after getting the job and accumulate about 5 years of experience to advance to the position of chief accountant. 

Internal accountant jobs are often exposed to financial figures and important internal information, so if the confidentiality is negligent, the internal accountant must be held responsible. Not only that, this position also has to withstand the stress due to the high workload compared to other accounting positions.

3. Main duties of an internal accountant 

This position is responsible for all bookkeeping of the day-to-day activities in the business: 

Issuing and controlling the validity and legality of internal documents and circulating them in a reasonable order.

Accounting and keeping internal accounting documents carefully and scientifically.

Coordinating and supporting the performance at work with other internal accountants.

Preparing weekly, monthly, quarterly or ad-hoc reports at the request of line managers.
In addition, the person taking this job may be assigned the task of generating statistics and analyzing data on the current production and business situation of the enterprise. From there, advise the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to make the right and timely decision.

The workload of an internal accountant is pretty heavy

The workload of an internal accountant is pretty heavy

4. The hottest positions for internal accounting jobs 

Revenue and expenditure accountant

Revenue and expenditure accountants are responsible for managing and performing revenues and expenditures and making documents to prove those revenues and expenditures of the enterprise. Specifically, this person performs tasks such as recording documents, accounting for revenue, checking debts and making reports to the board of directors at the end of the month and quarter

Warehouse accountant 

This position works directly at the warehouse and is responsible for all activities at the warehouse such as tracking, managing goods, making inventory reports, .... At the same time, monitoring and compiling the import and export process of goods as well as keeping documents for goods inspection including: import and export time, expiry date, damage level, ... so that the management team can promptly provide solutions.

Bank accountant 

Bank accountants perform jobs related to collecting, recording, analyzing and processing financial and monetary data. Through this, the bank's accountants will understand the information, evaluate the operation process to report to the board of directors  periodically.

Payment accountant 

The position of payment accountant is responsible for collecting and disbursing payments, monitoring the collection of money from shareholders, debtors, and customers and making spending plans, performing payment activities and confirming documents. 

Payroll accountant 

In charge of the salary, bonus, insurance level and benefits of the staff, a payroll accountant will rely on timesheets, overtime records, ... to calculate the salary for each employee. More specifically, the job of this position includes building payroll, tracking the number of employees, working time, salary paid, ...

Many hot job positions are waiting for you to apply

Many hot job positions are waiting for you to apply

Debt accountant 

Debt accountants have the role of managing debts that the entity has to collect from customers, or to pay to suppliers. They print and report cash books, create contracts and track, collect and pay debts for businesses. A professional debt accountant will help your business operate efficiently.

General accountant 

General accountant's job is to collect, store and analyze accounting data from invoices and documents; make import and export invoices, collect payments for businesses and then make financial statements to the board of directors.

Chief accountant

This is a position many accountants have always wanted to achieve. The chief accountant will manage and handle general issues in the accounting department. As the head of the accounting department, they are responsible for supervising all activities of the accounting department, participating in analyzing the financial situation and ensuring the reasonableness between reality - books for reporting to the board of directors.
Chief accountant is the dream job of many people

Chief accountant is the dream job of many people

5. Tips to successfully apply for internal accountant jobs 

The opportunities for internal accountant jobs are now very large, with attractive career conditions leading to the high competition in the application process. To have enough confidence and increase your chances of being accepted for thí position, you should ensure the following factors:

Have accounting expertise, accumulated experience

Most businesses now require internal accounting candidates with a Bachelor's degree or higher in accounting, finance and related fields. In addition, there are requirements for solid professional knowledge, understanding of the accounting profession, terms and principles of working in this profession.

Foreign language proficiency, especially English, is also an important criterion for an accountant because they have to work with not only domestic customers but also international partners. For foreign businesses, foreign language ability is definitely an indispensable criterion.

In terms of experience, accountants should work from low to high positions to have the opportunity to experience, accumulate practical experience and develop a career in this profession. To be eligible to apply for the accounting profession, regardless of position, revenue and expenditure accountant or payroll accountant, it is necessary to have at least 2 years of practical work experience in the accounting industry or related industry.

In addition, working as an accountant, you need to be proficient in using software tools for the job such as MISA, FAST, 3Tsoft,... to perform the assigned tasks at best.

Various soft skills

An accountant today needs to have the necessary professional skills such as:
Management and organization skills, scientific tasks arrangement method: Accounting workload is very heavy and complex, if not managed well, it is difficult to get it done effectively.

Good communication, presentation and negotiation skills: Possessing this skill helps you to work with customers, communicate better with other departments at work and present financial statements to the Board of Directors in a clear and coherent way.

Ability to withstand great work pressure: There will be a lot of financial and budget related issues that need you to handle. With a heavy workload and often faced with documents, papers, ... you will ultimately be under great pressure. Therefore, you must know how to organize and arrange your workflow well to reduce pressure on yourself.

Be careful and transparent: Since the job of an accountant often works with numbers and data related to finance, even carelessness and small errors can have a serious impact on the business.

Some skills requirements for this profession

Some skills requirements for this profession

Prepare an impressive CV

Your CV is an important document that helps you attract employers and increase your chances of getting a job. Once you have met the requirements on the qualifications, work experience and possess the necessary skills, you need to present them properly on your CV. Here are some points to keep in mind to get the perfect CV:

  • Use popular fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma
  • Use PDF format to avoid errors on font, size and paging
  • Should have a simple, polite profile picture 

Contents of CV include: Personal information, career goals, achievements, relevant work experience (presented from the nearest workplace before and after), qualifications and soft skills.

Apply for internal accountant jobs at Navigos Search

Are you confident about your ability and experience to conquer recruiters of internal accountant jobs? If you are ready, send your CV immediately to Navigos Search to be notified quickly when there is a suitable job opening. At, internal accountant jobs in Hanoi, internal accounting jobs in Ho Chi Minh City, internal accounting jobs in Hai Phong, internal accounting jobs in Da Nang,... are always available and updated frequently.

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Most importantly, whether you are looking for jobs as internal accountants or would like to be notified of positions that match your skills and experience, please send your CV to Navigos Search for immediate contact if there are any suitable vacancies available. Especially, if your business is looking for human resources, please contact Navigos Search to get qualified candidates quickly.

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