5 key skills for a new headhunter

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New "rookies" to the industry are not sure of the necessary headhunter skills as well as general knowledge of the industry.

The headhunter recruitment industry is developing strongly and there are many young graduates who want to pursue this career. However, newcomers to the industry may not be sure of the necessary headhunter skills as well as general industry knowledge. With 20 years of experience, let's refer to some of the following experiences with Navigos Search.

1. Skills in searching and collecting information about industries

First, to become a qualified and successful headhunter, understanding many fields and industries is essential. Because the job of a headhunter is not like other professions, only specializing in a certain field, but having to recruit many different industries according to the requirements of the business.

However, in Navigos Search, it is a bit different than the headhunter market. The headhunters of Navigos Search will be divided into groups, each team is in charge of a specific field of work. From there, the specialized study will be broader and deeper, also the headhunter skills will be developed diversely for a core profession. Not only are skills in searching and collecting information better in the industry, but also more accurate in analyzing and evaluating information, and training newcomers is also highly specialized. Customers supported by that headhunter team can be assured of the analysis and advice sent by these headhunters.

Vital and necessary skills to become a high-qualified headhunter

Vital and necessary skills to become a high-qualified headhunter

From the reality that the new headhunter has to hone many skills, the first is to learn and collect information. Understanding a variety of industry information is necessary, but it is also vital to refine that knowledge to become in-depth and correct when making analytical documents for company clients and candidates.
Therefore, if you want to become a professional headhunter, headhunt experts need to cultivate knowledge in all fields and professions, as well as absolutely avoid the situation of "axe-dancing through the eyes of workers".

2. Communication and Negotiation skills

Usually, headhunters will contact many different candidates and in each case, they have to apply different methods of consulting and persuading. At that time, headhunters worked as an intermediary, both recruiting and providing headhunter services for businesses in need.

Therefore, in an order, the headhunter will directly communicate based on 2 objects: candidates and business owners. And without communication and persuasion skills, it is impossible to work.

The communication skills of a headhunter meet the following requirements:

  • Professional and fluent language is reflected in the depth of industry information you have
  • Persuasion skills with different audiences show in the time you get to know each audience you approach
  • Always know how to suggest and connect the story for both sides
  • Do not bring the story to a dead end
  • Move the conversation toward a positive outcome.

Indeed, talking on the phone is a big disadvantage for the headhunter since it is not face-to-face with the candidate. Therefore, you need to make them become more talkative, steer the story into an evocative direction so that the parties can say things that have not been told to you before.

There are also many cases of "hunters" being refused advice or even hung up by candidates. Therefore, don't feel self-conscious or upset about not being respected. Because, if you are a candidate when you encounter an inappropriate call, it is likely that you will do the same. The most important thing here is that you take it as a lesson to learn from the next consultation. You must remember, success always waits at the end.

3. Be brave and expand your network

Take all advantage of your relationships: high school, college, former co-worker, etc,. For example, when the deadline to search for a chief accountant is pressing and you have an old classmate who is working as the head of the finance department. They will certainly have many connections to give you some suggestions. Also, your former colleague may also become a good candidate for the position you are looking for.

Dare to think, dare to do and be brave to take advantage of all personal relationships to conquer your candidates. People with bravery will never give up, they turn the price they have to pay and the experiences they have had in life into their treasure. When they encounter failure, they always consider it an experience, a motivation to start over.

Be brave and make the most of personal relationships

Be brave and make the most of personal relationships

4. Be quick in analysis and evaluation skills

All headhunters have their own “data banks” and of course there are many cases where both companies know a talented candidate. Among hundreds of resumes with similar experience, how to choose the most potential is a big question. A key headhunter skill is the agility in approaching, assessing and analyzing people, which will help you filter information to find the best options quickly.
Analytical and evaluation skills are really necessary and important in the "headhunting" race between "hunters", but you need to be quick to see the situation and your opportunities. Besides the ability to process information quickly, evaluating candidates to best suit customer requirements is also an indispensable skill that every "hunter" needs to hone and practice.

5. Technology application

Support of the technology application is always a pioneering step for all industries. So how will the application of technology in the field of headhunters be? You'll need to use computers to research clients, match candidates, and communicate with the team.
You are also required to have a solid background or to understand the tools and features of social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook. From that, you will find the process easier than ever, because employers often use these platforms to find candidates.
The application of new technology such as candidate assessment software, reports, ... is very necessary and extremely important for a headhunter. If possible, spend a fee to get a rich list of candidate profiles updated daily on recruitment websites, social networks or search engines.
Headhunters need to apply technology
Headhunters need to apply technology

Hopefully the information about headhunter skills above will be useful and help you develop better on your chosen career path. To get the job of your dreams, you can refer to the jobs being posted at Navigossearch.com or directly contact the reputable headhunter company Navigos Search with the following information for specific advice:

Contact information for the Southern team: Here
Contact information for the Northern team: Here

  • HCM Headquarters: 20th Floor, e.town Central Building, 11 Doan Van Bo, Ward 13, District 4, HCMC.
  •  Hanoi Branch: V. Building - 125 Ba Trieu street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi
  •  Hotline: 1800 585 826
  •  Email: contact@navigossearch.com
  •  Website: navigossearch.com
  •  Fanpage: facebook.com/NavigosSearchVietnam


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