
Địa điểm: Ha Noi

Thoả thuận

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Những gì chúng tôi có thể cung cấp

  • training program
  • Health insurance
  • working environment

Mô tả công việc

Our company's product stands as a comprehensive integrated software suite designed for streamlining accounting closure processes. It facilitates the standardization and automation of preparing distinct Financial Reports and Consolidated Financial Reports, encompassing Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Cash Flow Statements, and financial report disclosures.
By leveraging this, enterprises can significantly reduce time and labor expended on Financial Reports preparation, ensuring data accuracy and facilitating seamless retrieval, extraction, and comparison of report data.

As the consultant for this product, you will:
• Gather and comprehend customer needs concerning accounting and financial management, including the consolidation of financial reports for organizations.
• Demonstrate proficiency in analyzing these requirements and suggesting suitable solutions, modeling processes, documenting specifications, and validating information with clients.
• Provide consultation, implementation support, training, and guidance to clients in addressing issues pertaining to financial control and the consolidation of financial reports.
• Gain a deep understanding of and model requirements related to financial control and financial report consolidation to effectively communicate them to application development teams.

Yêu cầu

• Holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Auditing, Finance, or a related field.
• Has crucial auditing experience.
• Is well-versed in Financial Accounting and consolidated financial reporting, with a strong grasp of data logic across accounting,

Địa điểm

  • Ha Noi


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