Revealing how to hunt for head of trading department jobs

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The increasing demand for shopping makes the commercial industry more attractive than ever. Not only connecting effectively between businesses and customers, this industry also opens up many job opportunities for employees. In particular, the position of head of the trading department is a position that many candidates are looking for, but entering the profession successfully is not easy. Follow the below information of Navigos Search to successfully "hunt" this job!

1. Who is the head of the trading department?

The head of the trading department is the one of the head departments in the business. They are responsible for operating, organizing, checking and evaluating the sales and marketing activities of the staff in the department.

The head of the trading department is the one of the head departments in the business

2. The role and the responsibility

This position is responsible for the following specific duties:

  • Market research, customer needs research to orient business development goals for the department
  • Develop specific business plans for each product group
  • Building pricing strategies, distribution channels to reach the market
  • Develop marketing channels to promote products
  • Recruit, manage and evaluate the performance of the staff in the department
  • Report and perform other tasks as directed by the Trading Director

3. The secret to become a professional head of trading department 

As a management position in the business, the recruiters of the head of trading department require candidates to meet the conditions of expertise, experience and necessary skills.

Improve the specialized knowledge

Professional qualifications are the first important requirement. University degree or higher majoring in Business Administration, Marketing, Finance, Commerce, International Business,... will be a plus point in the candidate's profile when applying for the position of head of the commercial department. When becoming an international trade manager, being fluent in foreign languages, especially English is also a requirement. Focus on improving your own ability to easily beat other candidates.

Improve the specialized knowledge about trading

Gain more work experience

To be sure to handle the important tasks of a "leader", candidates need to have 3-5 years of working experience in the field of sales, marketing, sales team management, direct building business plans for each product group,... Having solid expertise and working experience not only helps you fulfill your role well but also creates prestige and respect from employees below

Practice more skills 

Strategic thinking and planning skills

The big difference between an average employee and a professional manager is planning skills, strategic thinking. Good planning and strategic thinking skills will help the head of the trading department clearly outline the work to be done, and set the company's priority goals to steer employees in the right track.

To do that, you need to understand the goals of the business, the department, and from human and financial resources, you need to outline a specific implementation plan. In fact, the commercial plan is always subject to adjustment and change, so with a clear strategic thinking, the head of the department should always have a backup plan to improvise with those changes.

Management skills

Management skills include allocating work resources reasonably and effectively to increase the working efficiency of the staff in the trading department. The head of the department also needs to know how to support and train employees to improve the professional capacity of employees in the department.

Share your knowledge, experience and necessary skills with your team to help them build confidence, develop personal capabilities to promote better marketing and sales.


A lot of skills are required for this position

Human resource management skills

A professional manager will know how to coordinate, assign the right people and connect the staff to a solid network to effectively carry out commercial work, increase sales for the business. Learn constantly and improve your expertise to get great management skills and easier to arrange work, covering all personnel of the commercial department.

Communication skills

An effective commercial plan is a combination of many links together, from the head of the commercial department, staff in the department to partners, customers,... Skillful communication will help build long-term relationships, good support for product promotion strategies and help get the job done better. Please actively listen and welcome customers with an open and positive attitude to promote buying and selling activities for businesses, helping to improve KPIs for departments and increase profits for businesses.

Trade Awareness

Trade awareness will help the head of the department to have a better orientation before the current fluctuations of the market economy. You need to master the mission of the department, the purpose of marketing the company's products, understand the competition and cultivate more knowledge of economics and politics to get the top commercial strategies. 

Whether you are just starting out as a head of trading department or an experienced professional in this field, commercial business acumen is also an important factor to be honed to create success.

Ability to work under pressure

Công việc của một vị trí này bao gồm toàn bộ hoạt động kinh doanh và tiếp thị của phòng ban,.... Khối lượng rất khá nặng nề, chưa kể đến những áp lực về kết quả kinh doanh, rủi ro khi thực hiện chiến lược thương mại,... Vậy nên, khả năng chịu áp lực cao trong công việc cũng là yêu cầu cần có của việc làm này.

The work of this position includes all sales and marketing activities of the department,.... The volume is quite heavy, not to mention the pressures on business results, risks when implementing trading strategy,... Therefore, the ability to withstand high pressure at work is also a necessary requirement of this job.

Candidates need to be able to withstand the great pressure of the job

4. Career development opportunities and benefits received

With the current trend of integration development, the trade industry plays an increasingly important role in businesses. Therefore, the demand for human resources in this field is very focused on recruiting. Just by fostering knowledge, experience and skills, you can successfully conquer the position of commercial manager.

Along with strict requirements and great pressure in the profession is a commensurate salary for this job. In addition to an attractive hard salary ranging from VND 15-25 million/month, you also receive bonuses such as bonuses based on business sales, project commissions, extra bonuses,... and other benefits such as: insurance, allowances, purchase incentives,...

5. Address "hunting" for a job as a prestigious commercial manager

Indeed, to successfully apply for the position of head of the trading department requires a lot of factors. If you are confident that you have fully gathered the qualities and skills for this job, do not hesitate to send your CV to Navigos Search to apply successfully.

Established in 2002, Navigos Search belongs to Navigos Group, which is the owner of the number 1 recruitment website in Vietnam - VietnamWorks. With a huge data volume of 375,000+ senior candidates, 85,000+ senior management candidates and 5,000,000+ recruiters, this is the biggest advantage that helps Navigos Search's headhunters support candidates in finding a job as a head of trading department or any other job for a short period of time.


Navigos Search - Vietnam's leading middle and high-level talent hunting company

The consulting team is professional recruitment experts, deeply understanding the value of human resources. Based on the methodical recruitment process, the specialist will work with the recruiter to better understand the business as well as the recruitment requirements. From there proceed to search for the most suitable candidate. After the candidate is selected, the recruitment specialist continues to support the candidate during the probationary period and after the probationary period.

With a huge database and outstanding strengths, Navigos Search is the leading provider of high-level recruitment services in Vietnam. With more than 20 years of experience in the profession, we are confident that we have helped millions of candidates across Vietnam get the job they want and accompany hundreds of thousands of businesses, helping them get the best quality human resources.

If you are looking for a job as a commercial manager, please leave your contact information, Navigos Search will actively contact you as soon as there is a suitable job position. Coming to Navigos Search, candidates will have the opportunity to hold their dream job and employers will quickly own the most potential candidate for the unit.

 Navigos Search - Vietnam's leading

middle and high-level talent hunting company

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