Project Sales Manager [Consumer Electronics, Sanitary Wares, Building Materials]

Địa điểm: Ha Noi

Từ 2.000 USD Đến 2.400 USD

201 lượt xem - Bạn còn 28 ngày để ứng tuyển vào vị trí này

Những gì chúng tôi có thể cung cấp

Mô tả công việc

- Proactively develop and foster relationships with new B2B customers, emphasizing the importance of building strong connections.
- Initiate contact with contractors and developers to showcase a range of products, including VRF, Multi, and Single CAC systems, ensuring comprehensive understanding and awareness.
- Efficiently oversee and manage projects in the sales pipeline, ensuring seamless coordination and timely delivery.
- Engage in ongoing communication with customers to gain insights into their evolving needs and preferences, adapting strategies accordingly to provide tailored solutions and maintain satisfaction.

Yêu cầu

- University degree in economics or technical field.
- Experience working with HVAC contractors and developers.
- Strong English communication skills.
- Effective leadership abilities.

Địa điểm

  • Ha Noi


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