Procurement Engineer - Reputable European manufacturing company - Working in HCM High Tech Park

Địa điểm: Ho Chi Minh

Từ 1.000 USD Đến 1.700 USD

599 lượt xem - Bạn còn 27 ngày để ứng tuyển vào vị trí này

Những gì chúng tôi có thể cung cấp

Mô tả công việc

- Possess direct sourcing experience.
- Monitor and report important elements/data on supplier performance; ensure that the operational relationships with suppliers are conducted in accordance with the cross-functional team's strategy and that the contracts on the ground (plant, entity) are respected.
- Within his/her boundaries and in accordance with the commodity strategy, suggest steps (multi-sourcing, lowering the risk of a global raw material scarcity, QVE-Quality Value Engineering, supplier change, outsourcing, Lean, new project, transfer project, analysis, benchmarking with market).
- Collaborate with the commodities manager prior to localization or business allocation changes.
- Oversee supplier selection and consultation in accordance with commodity strategy.
- Oversee supply qualification; bargain and oversee agreements with regional or specialty suppliers.

Yêu cầu

• A minimum of five years' experience working in the procurement or purchasing department in relation to commodities, mechanical components, electrical electronics parts, metal, and plastics.
• Fluent in English.
• Operate autonomously in a fast-p

Địa điểm

  • Ho Chi Minh

Người giới thiệu

Người được giới thiệu
