Kỹ sư điện - Xây dựng công nghiệp (Tiếng Trung Anh)

Địa điểm: Ha Noi

Từ 3.000 USD Đến 4.000 USD

426 lượt xem - Bạn còn 7 ngày để ứng tuyển vào vị trí này

Những gì chúng tôi có thể cung cấp

  • Opportunity to travel for training in China
  • Performance Bonus

Mô tả công việc

Job Responsibilities:
1. Overall responsible for the technical, quality, and schedule management of the electrical engineering profession in the project.
2. Lead the design of the electrical profession.
3. Preside over the compiling of electrical professional construction technical plans.
4. Responsible for providing technical support for on-site construction.
5. Responsible for technical communication with all relevant parties of the project, with a focus on the management of electrical subcontractors.
6. Responsible for reasonable control of material selection, procurement plan, entry plan, and quality in the electrical profession.
7. Complete other temporary tasks assigned by the project manager.

岗位描述: 1、负责电气专业图纸及施工技术的当地合规性审核; 2、编制电气专业施工计划,进行技术交底,及现场质量管理; 3、熟练使用CAD,绘制变更修改,完成竣工图; 4、审核分包每月完成工程量; 5、核算图纸材料,提交采购计划; 6、材料进场检验,资料报审; 7、管理分包队伍,协调施工作业面; 8、施工质量检查,及时过程管控; 9、解决施工中的技术问题; 10、及时报告电气专业的重大问题; 职位要求: 男,本科,专业对口,八年以上工作经验,机电公司经验优先、中文英语口语流利者优先

Yêu cầu

1. Bachelor's degree majoring in Building Electrical, Automation, Mechanical and Electrical, or equivalent.
2. At least 5 years of experience as an electrical professional engineer or electrical supervisor in clean rooms, industrial fa

Địa điểm

  • Ha Noi


Người giới thiệu

Người được giới thiệu
