Fabric Developer

Địa điểm: Binh Duong

Thoả thuận

170 lượt xem - Bạn còn 6 ngày để ứng tuyển vào vị trí này

Những gì chúng tôi có thể cung cấp

Mô tả công việc

Create innovation fabric designs and development, from fibre, knit structure, to finishing.
Manage the whole product development process from design to sample execution.
Support on any fabric issue, starting from sourcing, development, sampling, base test, lab dip/strike-off/handloom, bulk testing, appearance, handle and colour approval, washing, dyeing, etc.
Understand the customers and global trends and turn conceptual ideas into commercialised products.

Yêu cầu

Degree or above in Textile / Fashion, or related disciplines
2 - 5 years or above in knitted fabric manufacturing and development experience.
Knowledge of sustainability material, textile sourcing, fabric production & construction, functional perfor

Địa điểm

  • Binh Duong


Người giới thiệu

Người được giới thiệu
