Accounting Manager

Địa điểm: Ha Noi

Từ 2.000 USD Đến 2.500 USD

392 lượt xem - Bạn còn 28 ngày để ứng tuyển vào vị trí này

Những gì chúng tôi có thể cung cấp

  • Bonus

Mô tả công việc

- Assist with bookkeeping, FS (PL/BS/CF), and tax declarations; monitor and verify
- Generate accurate and timely management reports
- Prepare the budget, submit the predictions, and oversee the budget (actual vs. planned).
- Create a cash flow projection.
- Make plans with the auditor and make sure the annual required audits are finished by the dates specified by Head Office
- Create and execute any ad hoc reports or information that HQ may request
- Keep up and execute appropriate accounting and internal control systems in compliance with statutory requirements and the policies of Head Office & Company
- Oversee and instruct every member of the accounting staff in meeting the requirements.
- Verify and sign all paperwork, including contracts, warnings, payments, contracts, late payment reminders, and handover notices.
- Any applicable tax return (VAT, CIT)
- Bank Negotiation (e.g., loan, interest, exchange rate)
- Payment Instruction to Bank
- Work together on accounting and finance-related projects with outside parties

Yêu cầu

- A bachelor's degree in finance or accounting is necessary.
- Requires at least five plus years of relevant experience
- Prior work experience for a foreign company is necessary.
- Prior managerial experience is necessary.
- Excellent orga

Địa điểm

  • Ha Noi

Người giới thiệu

Người được giới thiệu
