Personnel recruitment report template - Content and writing style

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A company that wants to operate effectively must first ensure that its personnel problems are resolved. So in order to track the recruitment process and the effectiveness of personnel in the company, businesses need to have a sample recruitment report. In this article, let's learn with Navigos Search the content and writing style of this type of report!

1. What is a personnel recruitment report form?

The HR recruitment report template is a type of report that reflects the effectiveness of the staff management in an enterprise. Based on this report, businesses can monitor the human resource situation and fix gaps in employee management. Thereby, improving the efficiency of human resource management of enterprises.
The HR recruitment report template is usually compiled at the end of the month, quarter or year. The implementation of the human resource report helps leaders understand the scale of personnel in the enterprise. From there, make appropriate planning and layout plans.
The HR recruitment report not only helps HR to make statistics about their work activities, but through that they also know the working efficiency to improve their skills. A report is usually presented quite briefly and includes things like:
  • Analyze data about candidates and recruitment channels
  • Vivid graphs show data clearly
  • Assessments are drawn from charts and figures
  • Plans to solve problems arising from the actual situation
  • Next action plan
Recruitment statistics help leaders understand the size of personnel

Recruitment statistics help leaders understand the size of personnel

2. Classification of personnel recruitment reports

Usually, the statistics of the recruitment situation are divided by time and job.

2.1. In terms of time

HR often makes results statistics on a weekly and monthly basis. The figures are then aggregated into an annual report.

The statistics of recruitment over time must identify the following indicators:

  • Recruitment efficiency divided by time
  • The most effective recruitment channel for businesses
  • How many successful candidates were recruited during that time
  • Current recruitment situation
  • From these numbers, HR must analyze and give new directions for upcoming work. For example, based on recruitment efficiency over time, HR will know the recruitment season to choose the right time. Besides, it also helps businesses save costs and increase the quality of candidates.
Report by time

Report by time

2.2. In terms of job

Statistics and data reports for each job will help HR know the development scale of each department. The metrics in this report type are similar to the chronological report. However, HR can analyze more closely about each department, each type of job.
For example, based on an effective recruitment channel, HR reasonably distributes recruitment ads to each employee. This will also help save recruitment costs and increase the number of candidates.
Report by job

Report by job

3. How to write a recruitment report?

A summary of the recruitment situation should be short and concise. HR not only gives the numbers but also has to explain the recruitment situation of the business. Besides, HR must also show the desire to recruit more people from the departments. From there, come up with a solution that is appropriate to the actual situation and needs of the business.
A sample recruitment report has the following structure:

3.1. Overview of the recruitment situation

In this part, HR must give specific numbers to statistic the recruitment situation of the enterprise. The numbers are: Number of employees recruited, costs, etc. Besides, HR also needs to compare actual data with the previously set plan to assess the overall effectiveness of recruitment activities.

3.2. Identify effective recruitment channels

Each company will have a different recruitment method. In this section, HR must provide recruitment channels that bring the largest source of candidates.
The key metric that must be mentioned in the report is the performance indicator. The recruitment channel efficiency index is calculated by the formula:
Performance Index = (Total recruitment costs) / (Total CVs received)
Through this metric, HR will know how much it costs to get a candidate profile. In addition, HR can also replace “total recruitment cost” with the cost per recruitment channel to evaluate the recruiting effectiveness of each channel.
HR should evaluate the growth of recruitment in the enterprise, review websites or comment groups about the company to synthesize the feelings of candidates about the recruitment of their business.

3.3. Percentage of qualified candidates

Normally, the percentage of qualified candidates will be calculated using the formula:

Percentage of qualified candidates = (Number of successful candidates) / (Total number of applicants)

The higher the ratio, the better the recruitment activities of the enterprise and according to the plan. However, HR must objectively evaluate, analyze clearly and come up with a solution plan if this rate is abnormally high compared to the average of previous months.

The low percentage of qualified candidates will be due to several reasons:

  • Job requirements are too high, not suitable for the position
  • The recruitment channel is not suitable for candidates
  • Inadequate recruitment process

3.4. Recruitment time

In the HR recruitment statistics report, HR needs to clearly state the recruitment period. This metric will represent the average time it takes HR to recruit an employee according to the required job position of the business. This will help HR have a better view of the recruitment progress. From there, closely follow the proposed plan and have solutions to improve.
The recruitment time is long due to a number of reasons such as:
  • Objective factors: The recruitment period is not part of the "recruiting season".
  • Subjective factors: The recruitment process is too complicated, the recruitment requirements are too high, or the advertising implementation of channels is not effective, etc.
Method to write a recruitment report
Method to write a recruitment report

4. How to write an accurate recruitment report?

To complete a full and detailed recruitment report, HR needs to update data continuously. Therefore, documentation is the most important factor. Normally, HR will use Microsoft Excel to update data. This is a common tool used by HR departments in most businesses.

For businesses with larger personnel, the HR department often uses Google Drive, so that other HR members can easily update reporting data.

HR recruitment report templates often have data that are correlated with each other, so HR needs to study and consider carefully before using, to avoid data errors and information synthesis.

This article by Navigos Search shared about the content and how to write a sample recruitment report. Hopefully, through this, HR will be able to build effective reports and rely on that data to evaluate the human resources situation in the enterprise. Thereby, helping leaders easily track and find appropriate solutions to outstanding problems.


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